Why is it so important to donate monthly to your favorite sanctuary like Serenity? Serenity, like other sanctuaries/rescues, never knows when a pet emergency is going to occur. It is very hard to budget for crisis. Crisis hit Serenity on day two of having our first four sanctuary pets. Please read Taylor’s story below:

“Hi. My name is Taylor. My people have been waiting a few days to post this to make sure I have completely turned the corner. I started sneezing and wheezing and got worse throughout the day on Monday (10/18) and started open mouth breathing. After consulting with RVT and Nurse friends, everyone agreed I needed to go to the ER stat! I was in the ICU at the ER from around 4pm Monday afternoon until around 9pm Tuesday night. I spent at least 12 hours of that in an oxygen cage. Not only did I receive oxygen, I also received steroids, antibiotics and fluids. I have a bad upper respiratory infection, asthma, a collapsed lower lobe in one of my lungs, most likely due to the asthma and possible pneumonia. We, cats, often mask illness until we are in crisis. We do not like to show our distress and seem fine until we aren’t.
I received phenomenal care from Dr. Katharine Wentworth and the entire team at VCA Advanced Veterinary Care Center. The team literally saved my life! Thank you!!!
And today, I am doing well! I am taking my meds like a champ! Yuck! My people use a humidifier with me several times a day to help keep my lungs clear and to help me breathe. I am eating and drinking well and I have shown my appreciation by being a big lap kitty. My favorite hobby is getting as many cuddles and kisses as I can.

I had my recheck appointment with Dr. Watkins at VCA Companion Animal Medical Center on 10/27. The good news is, I am recovering nicely from my health scare. The bad news is, I have ear infections in both ears. I have eardrops now too. Yuck! They make my ears feel better but feel really cold and weird in my ears. Dr. Watkins and Kara (her Technician) were very nice to me. They gave me lots of hugs and kisses, wrapped me in a towel and carried me around to show me off. Please consider making a donation to Serenity so my friends I came here with can get veterinary care too. I broke the piggy bank. Yikes! Thanks!”